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A Guide to Credit Insurance

"Credit insurance has transformed the way we do business and make decisions.” - Ori Ben-Amotz, CFO of Hadco

The bad news: 1 in 10 invoices will remain unpaid.
The good news: The Guide to Credit Insurance explains how companies can use credit insurance to reliably manage the commercial trade risks that are beyond their control.

Companies of all sizes also use credit insurance to safely sell more to existing customers, or go after new customers that may have been perceived as too risky. Plus, on average, banks lend up to 80% more on insured receivables.

From this guide, you'll learn:
  • • Options for mitigating credit risk
  • • What credit insurance is (and what it is not)
  • • Use cases for credit insurance
  • • How a credit insurance policy works
  • • Criteria for choosing a credit insurance carrier

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Our customers come to us for predictive insights to stop most bad debts before they happen, and credit insurance to cover the unexpected losses.

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Safely and aggressively grow sales with new and existing customers

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Ensure payment

Protect against bad debt loss and get paid by customers as expected

Secure more capital

Turn receivables into insured assets to improve bank financing terms

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